Dedicated to the Preservation of Thornycroft Vehicles
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Larger pictures of these vehicles can be found in The Photo Gallery        


The Thornycroft Register, an organisation predominantly for owners of Thornycroft Vehicles in varying states of preservation.

The Aims of the Register are:

  • To assist the rescue, preservation and operation of all Thornycroft vehicles.

  • To provide services, to members and others, that are in their interests as operators, enthusiasts or preservationists.

  • To compile an accurate record of all existing Thornycroft vehicles produced by The Steam Waggon & Carriage Company Limited, John I. Thornycroft & Company Limited, Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Limited and Scammell Motors Limited.

  • To take steps in ensuring that those manufacturers, and the part they played in British industrial heritage, are not forgotten

The  "Contact Page" has been amended with e mail links restored





©2015 The Thornycroft Register